Retail Transformation project: the communication of changes across 6 regions and 650 branches for more than 5,000 employees of Česká spořitelna

Česká spořitelna is the largest Czech bank according to the number of clients, which is approximately 4.7 million. It is part of the Erste Group operating in Central and Eastern Europe based in Vienna. It employs about 10,000 people.

Realization: February through December 2012

Primary areas of expert cooperation

  • Creating a communication strategy and project plan, including methods of reporting to the Board of Directors
  • Establishing an effective way to communicate change (top-manager training for the company - how to communicate and sell changes, regular focus group feedback)
  • Creating a system of road shows, workshops and other personal communication activities and introducing the use of internal communication channels including TV and intranet
  • Participating in the creation of internal social networks
We have managed to change the entire communication flow and it has, in turn, fundamentally altered and benefited the organizational structure