Complete implementation of the internal communication audit and coordination on measures of implementation

Česká spořitelna is the largest Czech bank according to the number of clients, which is approximately 4.7 million. It is part of the Erste Group operating in Central and Eastern Europe based in Vienna. It employs about 10,000 people.

Realization: First communications audit 2005, partial internal communications audit 2009

Primary areas of expert cooperation

  • Creating new communication channels and new ways of interacting (at the level of the board of directors, management and branch offices).
  • Processing productivity of new communication measures such as opening a discussion group with members of the Board of Directors, a revamped design and internal journal structure, the creation of a system of electronic newsletters for the specific needs of individual departments.
  • Introducing a feedback system for all employees.
Our largest audit with 25 management interviews and 45 focus groups in 14 regions